49 Replies

Increase your intake of vit B series, e.g. b6. they are all found in soya bean milk. I take those no sugar just to pump baby up healthily. i have no idea why mums like to use durians or ice cream to pump baby up, that is so unhealthy. Spare a thought for the new life. if they can't do it, at least don't influence other to pick up bad habits.

You can try consume anmum milk.

i wish my baby is that light. 1.92kg at 34 weeks is average weight. there is no need to force to put on more weight. just eat healtily cos u still have few more weeks to naturally put on weight as the baby grow. if u going for normal delivery, average weight is safer. dont binge on unhealthy food is bad for both u and the baby.

We have the same case, my OB gave me Onima with amino acid to help me and my baby gain some weight. Last ultrasound my babies weight is 1700 kg which is also normal for his age. but still my doctor advise me to eat more protein because I gained lesser weight as a pregnant mom.

Eat durian, ice cream, pancake, waffle, cake. Don’t go for low fat dairy product, take full cream and you can even drink tea or coffee with whipping cream (once a day) or make smoothie with whipping cream.

Can try increase intake of calcium. My sil had high BP issue and her gynae recommended increase dosage in her calcium supplement. It did help with her BP bt her bb bone mass also increases at birth.

Drink Similac Mom, a glass a day in the morning after taking daily calcium pills. Baby was 2 weeks slower than gestation week count but after a week ultrasound showing back on track. Good luck.

I am about the same as you, but gynae said it’s a good thing that baby is not too big - easier to deliver, esp if you are planning to deliver naturally.


When i was at my 34 weeks my baby weight is 1.9 kg too. And as per doctor this is quite normal. You can try taking more calcium, healthy and multiple small meals.

VIP Member

Im 34weeks too and baby is 1.9kg too... and my doctor says its normal. Dont worry, the weight is just an estimation base on the scan.

VIP Member

durian or bbt but not too much. if have gestation diabetes then better not. alternative drink milk or avocado milkshake

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