At week 16 - Feeling nauseous & can't see baby bump
I'm at week 16 and still feeling nauseous, it is normal? I barely can see the baby bump, worrying if he/she is not growing normally. Do you experience this, kindly advice.

This question has been asked a lot of times here. You may want to refer to other posts to ease your worries 😊 Every pregnancy is different. No one is the same. Pregnancy symptoms such as nausea may still happen till the 3rd trimester. If you're a first time mum, you'll show at a later stage. I was 9 mths pregnant with my 1st but my bump looked like a 4 mth old (referring to bumps of experienced mums). Now, with my subsequent pregnancy, I show more obvious at 2 mths pregnant because bloated and my uterus has stretched from my previous pregnancies. Really nothing to worry about if your bump hasn't show yet. Some have small bump but big size baby and vice versa. As long as your gynae says baby is healthy inside, that's what really matters 😊
Read moreDon’t worry. First time mom usually don’t show their belly bump as early as second time mom. Different mom with different body size shows their bump differently too. Just make sure you’re regularly visiting your gynae and eating well. Baby will be growing well 😁
If you have retroverted uterus, your baby bump may be smaller or will show more later part of your pregnancy.
baby grows the fastest in end of 2nd to 3rd trimester. dont worry mummy! u and baby will be fine!
its ok if ur first time mom .. and just be sure to have a regular check ups with ur ob
Yes it’s normal. I’m a ftm, bump showed only at 6 month and baby grew well.