New Father

I’m very worried every time my baby cries. She’s now 3 days old and she has Jaundice of 185 count. Hope she gets better tomorrow. Also, she breaths fast sometimes. Not all the time. Is this normal? I read a lot sampai takut sangat now. Help me kawan kawan!

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Dia mnges sb nk rse ibu sbnrnya. Kuning nie kerapkan bf stiap sjam dua jam bg trun kuning...Dia mnges sb lapar pon ade dan perlu bg susu ibu..Klu nafas laju sgt2 smpai tercungap better bwa ke hospotIl...Klau risau sgt bwa je refer doc

5y trước

Sb xsedawa pon ade jga atau xslesa tme ampes bnyk atau berak..Tu kena tgk jga

Thành viên VIP

There is no way..Keep feeding ur baby. Kerapkan menyusu supaya anak dapat membuang. Lg byk membuang lg cepat kuning turun.

5y trước

Thank you so much. The first two days tak buang air. Alhamdulillah now kerap buang air.