Buying Baby Stuff during 12.12 Sale

I'm two days away from completing the first trimester and 12.12 sale is in one day's time! Is it too early to buy baby stuff? What baby stuff should I be getting first? I'm worried there's no further big sale like 12.12 from now till I give birth in June. 😅 (So far I've only bought a few maternity underwear, stretch marks prevention cream, vitamins -- stuff for myself but nothing for baby yet cos we only just had our 12th week gynae visit to ensure everything is fine.) #firstbaby #1stimemom

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Don’t worry. There’ll always be sale every month. Like 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 you get the drift.. but you can get things like swaddles, gender neutral clothes, mittens/booties, bath towels, bibs.