I want to ask is this faint line is pregnancy line or an evaporation line? Thank you everyone

I'm ttc for couple of months now, and recently 6DPO, I did test because I felt nausea. And I had this 2 faint line on pregnancy test. Am I pregnant ? #homepreganancytest #faintpositive #TTC

I want to ask is this faint line is pregnancy line or an evaporation line? Thank you everyone
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I had this faint line when I was in Bali. when I came back and use clearblue it indicates that I'm pregnant for 2-3 weeks. maybe u would like to get the clearblue one to confirm the result!

Looks positive. Might want to try in a few days time for more accuracy to see if the line darken, using the first morning pee before drinks

2y trước

Thank you

Congrats!!! Looks positive to me too! Use the digital ! Morning pee, midstream!

Looks like +ve to me. ☺️ maybe can try again in few days to confirm.

2y trước

Thank you

Yepp looks positive!