Can GD continue to consume maternal milk?

I’m taking Dumex Mamil mama. I’m not sure if this is one of the reason I got GD, as the product info doesn’t state the sugar content. I took Dumex maternal milk together with bread in the morning. Does maternal milk cause GD? Can I take probiotics to help reduce GD which I read from some articles?

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I don't have GD but my gynae alr told me not to drink maternal milk as it has higher sugar content than normal milk. It's making me gain weight alot and baby is on the bigger side (2 wks ahead in terms of size). So I guess if u hve GD, try to limit as much as possible. Supplements are enough with good healthy diet.

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4y trước

Thank you. I’m in week 24 and just did my GD test yday. Was shock that I got GD as i didn’t consume sugary stuff during this period. I’ll stop the maternal milk from now.

yeah better change your milk. my nurse advised me not to drink maternal milk as it is high in sugar. so i drink pasteurized fresh milk and eat plain yogurt instead.