2 Replies

i went through this during my first trimester and it went away till i was 15 weeks. i had to be admitted in the hospital few times because i couldn't keep anything down even fruits/water too. i lost 11kg in my first trimester and i was shocked! unable to go out/work, enjoy my fav food. i was in the bed all the time because i had no energy to be up. i took diclectin and other medicine that stronger(couldn't remember the name) it works but just for awhile. it suck to feel this way and almost gave up but keep telling yourself that it's temporary. this is my first pregnancy too and honestly i am scared to get pregnant again after this. the vomiting really traumatised me and got me wonder if i have the courage to try again after this. most people say it will happen again for the second pregnancy and it might not happen again which all depends on our luck. i'm 35 weeks right now and everything's seem okay. have no really appetite for big meals but i do snacks alot on fruits. you're not being dramatic! it's really bad to go through it alone :( but hey, have some hope okay. it will go away soon and you will feel better.

Thank you! Yes I hope things will improve soon, hopefully… All the best as you prepare to meet your little one in a few weeks’ time!

I feel for you. My sis used to have this condition when she was carrying her 2nd child. And she can't work, often taking MC and resting at home. Her employer is sympathetic. This condition can be severe and needed to be warded. It's good that you are on medication and under control. Hope you can hang in there and this condition may or may not happen for subsequent pregnancies. my sis went on to have the 3rd child with no HG. Listen to your gynae have lots of rest and try to take mashed or liquid foods. It may subside in the later part of your pregnancy.

Thanks a lot for the advice! Your sister is really brave to have a subsequent child. I’m so scared after this experience…

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