7 Replies

I agree with Rose. "Delegate" the household chores. If you are not keen on hiring a part time maid, perhaps your husband can help out around the house too! With one item off your list, you can then schedule in some time for yourself. Or get your husband to look after your baby for a couple of hours (helps in bonding too!) while you get a breather. :) Given that there's is no "weekend" or "holiday" or "annual leave" for a mother, "time off" is certainly needed.

Consider babywearing your baby! Then you'll have both hands free to multi task and when your baby is down for his nap, you've cleared your chores and you can rest too ^^ I recommend baby wraps or baby slings. There is an online seller on instagram (@jarsoffluff) and her wraps are of the softest materials with the prettiest designs suitable for Singapore's warm climate. She also conducts tutorials on babywearing so if you're a total newbie, don't worry!

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-2076)

now that my baby is a year old, I'm still struggling to find time to even shower or pee. then again mummy remember self care is very important. a happy mom is a happy child.

VIP Member

me too ! even when my daughter sleep i still cannot go anywhere. she will wake up everytime i try to "run"

VIP Member

Hire a part time maid to come in once a week so you can have the respite.
