im pregnant 5 months already .. and i have backbone pain .. sometime its take me difficult to walk once i step forward.. its normal ?

im 5months too and i know how it feels. try do yoga for pregnant woman. youtube and playstore have alot. it works for me. and also when ever i sleep i always put 1pillow at my back, 1 pillow at my belly, 1 pillow in between my legs and 1 pillow for my head and also 1 pillow standby just incase i need more.(my substitute for a pregnancy pillow) sleep on ur sides too. these helps me alot. every woman is different. what works for me might not work for u but u can try if u feel like it. and try not to bend alot. if u need to get something on the floor,try do a half squat picking up technique.
Đọc thêmi use this to reduce the pain.. but dont put it near the belly.. put it below your shoulder area. its works on me.
tq for the suggestion 😊
normal ☺.. keep calm mommy.. the baby is growing.. But if u cant endure the pain, better to get medical help..
tq dear
its normal because your backbone cant support the baby weight 😁
huhu okay tq dearr
mommy journey