12 Replies

Super Mum

Oh babe! I feel you. My hair loss started at 3 months pp. Thrs lots of hair on my pillow when I sleep... not to mention during shower time, even more.. Im trying out hair loss shampoo, but seems like its the same. Looks like I’ll have to just ride it out until it gets back to normal. In the meantime, I have now short hair..


Many pregnant women suffer hair loss during and immediately after giving birth. Try using organic shampoo. I used organic tree bark shampoo called Gugo and it helped


It's normal due to our hormones changes. It will get better when is over. Once is better or if u are keen now u can visit Bee Choo origin to treat your hair.

It’s normal due to change of hormone ... hair loss usually starts around 4 months PP.. my hair grow back around into 9 months PP.

Hey, It is a common problem post pregnancy so it will improve gradually. Also please try using Trichoderm. It should help.

Very normal. Don’t stress. Mine lasted for 2 months. Go for hair treatment to clear your scalp.

VIP Member

Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/postnatal_hair_loss

It’s normal due to hormone change. It will clear up after at least 6 months later.

VIP Member

I use hair tonic to let the new one grow properly.

Normal.. start use the hair fall shampoo

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