9 weeks’ preggers and always hungry!

I’m now about 8-9 weeks’ preggers and feel like I’m constantly hungry, especially in the period between lunch and dinner. I’m getting pretty bad nausea that tends to worsen when my stomach is empty. Any new mummies had the same experience? Everyone around me keeps telling me to just eat but I’m worried about excessive weight gain.

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Thành viên VIP

I put on 7 kg in my first 7 mths and my gynae gave me a “fat slip” asking me to watch my diet 😂

Same. I do feel nausea when my stomache is seeking for food. Need to snack at every 2 to 3 hours.

Super Mom

Very normal. Get a healthy snack or drink before you get too hungry, it may reduce the nausea.

Super Mom

Just eat. Can eat healthier food like oatmeal, plain yogurt, baked nuts...

Me too.. I always wanna snack and when im hungry, i will get nauseous..

Eat healthy snacks if you're worry about excess weight gain

Thành viên VIP

That's a good thing, I was feeling nauseated this time

Thành viên VIP

Yes! I was eating non-stop during my first trimester

Same same. Surrounding ppl tell me just eat.

Ya. Just eat. And I put on 20kg 😭