pregnant can have chickenpox?

im now 25week preg. son is 6years old. he is now having chickenpox. anyone experiences this? what should i do? i saw some red spots on my body.

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Super Mom

See a doctor ASAP if you suspect you have chickenpox. You can get chickenpox anytime as long as you haven't got it. Best if you could let someone else take care of your son. The virus is highly contagious.

Anyone can get chickenpox if you didn't have it before. Otherwise if you had chicken pox previously, the virus may present as shingles. Please see a doctor asap.

Thành viên VIP

Hi... if you suspect that you’ve contracted chicken pox, please seek medical advice from your gynecologist or family doctor. Do not self medicate

hi everyone thanks for the advise. have called gyne and checked. thank you..

Thành viên VIP

I think u shld bring ur son to the Dr and see the Dr urself too!