2 Replies

As first time parents it is by nature to feel happy, stress, fear, anxiety during pregnancy and after. You will not be able to expect whats happening in times to come. I may suggest for you and spouse to do test like down syndrome test to detect early signs during pregnancy of first trimester. This may atleast clear your doubt at minimal. Results may not be 100% accurate but atleast you get to know more from the doctor. You can ask as many questions as you can during the FTS Counselling. You can persuade your husband. Also advicing him that terminating a pregnancy each time you find out about the conditions won't help in any way if it were to run in family. God forbids, if your child after birth and as he/she grows up, were to have ADHD, autism, etc, we as parents need to be strong and learn to tackle it in a positive perspective. Every child born are a beautiful gem comes from God/Allah. You are the chosen one. Hence, be bless with what has been given. Having said that, if multiple times of termination can ruin your health and chances of getting pregnant may/may not happened. As mum/dad to be, you need to be emotionally & mentally strong. You can also read up on books, articles to know more about pregnancy however don't be all the time paranoid and start googling. End day, you have to ensure it boils down to us being healthy, having enough nutrients and ensuring we have a smooth pregnancy journey. Hope this helps and do take care ❤💖

Hey, that sounds tough. Try seeing a couple counsellor if you and/or your husband need someone there to hold the emotions or moderate communication

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