Worried. Baby is larger than normal despite me trying hard to control my diet

Im not overweight, no GD, no preeclampsia. At 26 weeks, my baby was 1kg. 31 weeks baby was 2kg (1kg in 5 weeks), larger than average at 75 percentile. Doctor says baby weight is still considered ok, as long as I still ate healthy and dont over eat should be fine. But the problem is, I was still throwing up like crazy, and ate close to nothing, and I gained no weight from 26 to 31 weeks (at first i was very worried baby will be underweight... how is it that my baby has gained so much instead?). I told the doctor this, and he said the baby will take whatever he needs from me (no matter whether I ate or not? - so i was thinking omg if i were able to eat more will my baby be even larger?! 😩). Last I checked at 35 weeks, baby is already 3kg. Still ate as per normal, but this time less throwing up. Been eating quite healthily, like salads, cooked sushi, fish soup, YTF etc, less carbs, less fried, less oily less sweet stuff and sometimes i only ate 2 tiny meals a day but baby still grew quite a bit (1kg in 4 weeks)! It has been a little more than a week now after my last checkup and I feel my tummy seemed to have increase in size quite a lot. (More than usual). Could be more amniotic fluid, also could be my baby grew v fast again. I am worried. At this pace, baby might exceed 3.5kg or possibly 4kg when I give birth. 😩 And I believe I am quite petite, so I am afraid it may be v difficult for me. (Currently 154, 50kg at 36+ weeks). Doctor adviced me to do some pelvic exercises to stretch my pelvis. He says since I am quite petite, he says he wouldnt wait too long for the birth and he will look at inducing if there's still no sign of labour at 38 weeks as it would harder for me if the baby grows too large (tho im afraid baby may already be v large at 38 weeks). But I have heard that inducing can be very long and also painful, and if it fails and baby is distressed, still need to have emergency c section too... Feeling very worried.

7 Replies

Hi. I was in the same situation. I am also petite at 154. In total I gained 12.8kg throughout my pregnancy. I just delivered few weeks ago via elective c sec. My baby also gained 1kg every 4 weeks. Doctor told me to avoid chocolates, durian, fast food and bbt from week 24 onwards. It really helped. My baby birth weight was 3.6kg at week 39. I decided to go for elective caesarean, so that we have more control of what will happen and I dont panic or be over anxious. Also, my husband family prefer to choose auspicious date and time for baby arrival. Not promoting any delivery method here because what matters most is a safe and healthy baby. Watch more videos from past experiences and talk to your doctor to help you feel more equipped and aware of what to expect. Also on the bright side, I am thankful for my slightly heavier baby. She is stronger and easier to care for and her chubby cheeks are all worth it. All the best momma. You can do it!

hi mama! I'm in the same situation too, baby measured bigger sized than average. i have no GD, am petite, and i tried to control my diet. still baby is growing bigger 😅 I came to terms that worrying is not going to help, and I'm just thankful baby is healthily growing so well... we can never choose how or when baby is going to arrive (unless you choose elective c-sect). and giving birth is painful! regardless induced, c-sect, or natural 😅 what might help you now is come to terms that baby is doing so well, and accept however way the baby is going to be born. it will take away the stress from you, knowing that at least baby will be born safely ❤️ cheering you on mama! 😘

I’m also quite petite. In fact I was underweight when I first pregnant with my firstborn. I was 38kg back then and then my weight shoot up all the way to 57kg. I’m 156CM tall. When bb is out he’s 3.2kg and my appetite was quite good. But my second bb I’ve not much appetite in the first few months and he came out slightly heavier at the weight of 3.3kg. Avoid sweet foods. Don’t put too much stress on yourself and all will be good. Jiayou, mama!

Same here. I am now 26 week day 4 and baby is ard 900 grams. Gynae did say baby on the bigger side. I only gain 3.5 kg so far from the point I knew I was pregnant till now. I have to cut down on carbs now n leas sweet stuffs, GD test will only be carried out at week 28. Hopefully 🤞 all will be good too. I m worried abt difficult labor too 🙂

Dont worry so much it will put stress to you. As long as doctor says baby okay, everything is good and baby is healthy that all matters. Do perineal massage, it helps alot to loosen our skin so it will not be tight or overstretch


Hi i had gd and gave birth to a baby at 3.98 kg i couldnt stand it and went to induce early at 38 weeks 😂😂 maybe your baby is blessed with strong heavy bones and a good height! Stay positive

I believe sometimes its the genes that made baby still grow big despite not eating much.

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