I'm a low supply mum who mostly pumps 40ml in one session from both breasts. Then, my lactation consultant advised me to go full latching, to increase my supply. I'm currently doing so.
1) But I wonder, how can I tell if my supply has increased when I'm fully latching?
2) My baby needs about 100ml intake, and drinks up to 150ml in the middle of the night for a longer stretch of sleep. I don't latch in the middle of the night as my baby can sleep more than 3 hours. Instead I pump in the middle of the night every 3 hours --- my pump amount has increased to 60-80ml. But this is still lower than my baby's required intake.
Does this mean my baby has been drinking less than she should when I latch her in the day? Instead of drinking 100ml from my breasts, is she only getting 60 to 80ml as per my pump? Should I try to top up with a bottle of my expressed breast milk after every latch?