Can Reno house during pregnancy/first trimester?

Im living with my in-laws, waiting for our house to be ready next year. Recently the aircon units broke down more frequently, its causing all of us (including me and hb) a lot of inconveniences and in laws are thinking of replacing all the old aircon which may involve repiping and more extensive works to the house. Also better for me and the baby in the future. But I was warned by others that it is a bane to do any major works to the place I stay throughout my pregnancy. I must avoid it at all cost (not just keep away from the Reno site during Reno period but if Reno, I should totally move out of the house for the rest of my pregnancy??). How serious is this?? What should I do to deal with both side of things I feel bad for causing inconvenience to the household but I can’t ignore what I heard about the pantang for the sake of the baby… #firsttimemom

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My opinion on this “not to renovate during pregnancy” is: 1) renovation may cause dust or chemical smell which may not be a good environment for pregnant women. 2) renovation may involve moving furniture which will break your current routine and may cause accident at home. As long as you can manage the above, I think it should be fine. However, more importantly is if you feel comfortable (emotionally) about renovation at home? Just follow your heart. Pregnancy is already a stressful journal and you want to have one less thing to be stressed if possible

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11mo trước

Thank you! I followed my heart and told my in laws about what my parents warned me about.. prepared to accept what they eventually decide to do. They’re understanding (and also don’t want to be responsible if something really happen be it due to Reno or not lol) they decided to put a hold to the Reno as far as possible. But reading all these comments reminded me to be rationale and practical.. so many pantangs in the world can’t always handle all.

Hi! I’m living with my in law and at about 27 weeks, they did a kitchen renovation (my room was directly beside it). Couldn’t access the main toilet so had to used my mum-in-law’s toilet and we did our laundry at the laundromat. It was 6 weeks of renovation and fortunately it all went fine. Personally, I’ve never heard of this pantang or beliefs before. Baby is growing well and I’m giving birth in a few days time. Hope this helps ❤️

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11mo trước

Thank you for sharing your positive experience (yes it helpsss) and congrats!! I hope you’ve a smooth and safe delivery girl. Excites! - OP

I renovated the balcony and installed ceiling fans etc during my pregnancy. During the reno, just stay away, move to parents' place or smth because of DUST, and the DRILLING NOISE, which are bad for you and your baby. It is not because of other superstitious stuff. The whole reno took 2 weeks, and I went back right after it's done. My baby is already 1 year old now. All good.

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11mo trước

Thank you for sharing! For now after speaking to my in law they decided to put the Reno to a halt for the moment, but if ever in dire need to Reno I’m more comforted to know that as long as I remove myself from the Reno mess that’ll have physical impact to my body, the rest are all just in the mind. - OP

They said it’s pantang to hold scissors leh…but my parcel came and I had to cut it. I also don’t care. Scan come out my baby still got hands and legs! 😀 Cold drinks cannot drink.. I still drink.. no issue. If u are superstitious, then I feel u only making ur life abit miserable. Myth is a myth… unless it’s scientifically proven.

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11mo trước

Thank you for the reminder! I agree with you that superstitions just adds to the stress. I’m not originally superstitious but only came to be after it involves the baby (a whole lot of uncertainties every week between appoints damn scary). Sometimes the noises (people) around just add to the confusion and stress especially when they’re the ones I care about too like own parents.. - OP

I think when they are doing the work , you don’t stay home lor.. go 1-2 days staycay then go back and stay after that .. I heard is the drilling lah but I also not too sure

11mo trước

That’ll be the contingency plan if the household requires any urgent Reno which can’t be avoided during my pregnancy (still quite long to go). Thanks! - OP

I'm not superstitious type but I feel that it's better don't. I renovated my new house years back and just got pregnant. ended up ectopic pregnancy.

11mo trước

Hope everything went alright for you eventually! - OP

I think this is more of a superstitious thing... if even your in-laws dont mind, then it isnt an issue...

I think it’s fine, so long as you are not doing any heavy lifting and take note of the air quality.

Nah just old people’s believe.