5 Replies

Hi I’m in my week 6 and I also have yellowish/light brown discharge almost everyday though I’ve told my Gynae and am taking Duphaston twice a day too. There was a night that I even had red spotting during my week 5 but it stopped the next day. I googled that having light brown/red spottings are normal unless it’s heavy bleeding. I’m still worried like you. Rmb to tell your Gynae about it so he/she can better advise you.

Hi, same tayo Im 11weeks preggy and may lumabas kaninang morning na medyo yellowish na parang sipon. Nagstart lang din pagtungtong ng 11weeks which is yesterday, and I was searched its normal lang naman daw wag lang super dark yellow or green.

Hi, i read somewhere that it should be normal as long as it’s not green / red. (I googled cause I experienced the same thing)

It is bit common . But if you have odor or itching or other noticeable symptoms. Contact your doctor.

it's normal.. jus ensure not foul smelling or red/brownish discharge..

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