10 Các câu trả lời

we are same sis..im on my 7 weeks and i couldnt eat nor drink plain water or anything, but i got no morning sickness..i think its normal..then i only can eat lil bit porridge and consume anmum materna, because my nurse ask me to force atleast eat something..but sometimes i felt sad cuz i cant eat for my baby growth😅😢

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yes.. thats might due to morning sickness. But, always ensure that you took a healthy food and never skip meal. Don't worry you will gain some weight on 2nd trimester.

maybe due to loss appetite? have you experience it? when im in 1st trimester, i could not eat rice. I only consume bread. But, its might effect the baby weight. My baby seem smaller that their actual week. better take a good care of yourself.

my normal weight is 45kg but during my 1st trimester, my weight was 37kg. its normal sis. now, im already 18 weeks +. my weight is 47kg

im done 7week pun morning sickness terover. berat turun mendadak. siap masuk wad kena admit cause can’t eat n drink

Sy pun sama.. Selera mkn ok.. Tapi byk tu mkn.. Byk tu yg kluar.. Asyik cirit birit saja... 😣

yesss samaa.. Kdg2 sembilt next day cirit birit husband tegur badan dh makin susut.. saya pun dh rasa takut2 sikit

Kalau takde morning sickness and selera pun ok, better rujuk doc la. Maybe ada problem, maybe normal

i losing weight sampai laa i 5 bulan then masuk 6 bulan badan naik mendadak 😁

Like me dear.. nk masuk 6 weeks dh.. selera makan pn mcm kurang..

me too..kurang 3kg sbb morning sickness..nasib doc paham..😬

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