1 month wait

I’m in my first 1 month wait to the next appointment. Just got into second tri and normally the jnterval to visit doc is 1month. How do you survive this 1 month wait?! I’m feeling curious/anxious/worry easily given that I still have another 2 weeks to go. Any tips pls?! Kept thinking of ideas just to visit Gynae for a scan.. 🙃🙂

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occupy yourself. for my 1st trimester im also finding ways to visit the gynae even tho im feeling great, now that i think of it its kind of waste of money...... after the 20 weeks scan i found myself not thinking about it and focusing more on my bby's movement

4y trước

I’m currently week 13.. also feeling pretty good. Hence it made me worry more 😅

Visit too frequently means smth not so right. I started having more frequent visits from near the end of first trim to early 2nd trimester due to some issues..

Same!!! I’ve 2 more weeks to go too and on days when I feel good, I worry. Week 18 now and is patiently waiting for some movement 🙃

4y trước

Did you manage to wait for the full 1 month? Especially during ur first 1month interval. 😁

I get the long wait…. But I focus on baby’s movements to distract me 😊

4y trước

Which week are you in currently? Am also looking forward to baby movement!