Severe upper abdomen pain that last about 30 mins

Hi, I'm in my 28th week! I have this severe upper abdomen pain (near to ribs and heart) the second time this week, the first one happened 2 days ago! We called the ambulance, and when the ambulance came, the pain was gone! Now this happen again mid night at 1am, same, it lasted for 30 mins! Any mummy having the same issue? Is more like dull pain and I noticed my back aches at the same time.

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It could be normal pain/pelvic pain/heartburn whereby when baby's growing and has limited pain you feel the aches and pains and long holding pains from pelvic area, back, ribs, heart, abdominal, crotch area. However, if it is a repeated pain that is unbearable usually, I will consult doctor and ask to check or share with me tips or prescribe cooling gel, etc to ease the pain.

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