
I'm in my 13th week of pregnancy, and my face is full of pimples and pimples scars. Before I'm pregnant, my facial skin is soft and hardly a pimple will land on it. Do other mommies-to-be experiencing the same? Will my soft and smooth skin comes back?

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i do have the same problem. and i have acne on my back too. luckily, on my 3rd trim, everything slowly gone. i get my skin back. but sometimes pimple do exist here and there but not as bad as on my early pregnancy. except on my back. maybe wait untill im completely delivered. some of my friends said so..

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sama la sis. pregnant takde alahan semua syukur dah. tp 1 je pimple + breakout + deep scars. mmg maluuuu org tgk2 muka siap ckp pregnant sepatutnya muka glowing. luckily during these covid19 pakai mask org tak tgk sgt muka. kalau mkn kedai org pandang2. teruk sgt jerawat. btw i'm 33w with 1st baby

Sy dri awal pregnant dah nait jerawat.. Urmm redha je lh.. Smlm cuba urine+baking soda nmpk buih kuat sgt.. Nak pecaya @ x tu blm tahu lagi... Sbb masa anak no.2 cuba mcm tu ikut style org barat mmg betul bb boy😅kita scan sjlh nanti bila kandungan dah 7bulan mcm tu🤭

masa anak pertama sy keluar jerawat batu.. besar2.. menangis jugak sbb huduh.. sbb dr muda tak pernah ada jerawat byk mcm tu.. ada pun comel je kat hidung.. lepas masuk 7bulan hilang jerawat.. skrg licin.. tp bila turn preggy lg ni.. mcm nak jd balik je hahaha.. 🤣

Sy terbalik pula...masa belum kawin and belum preggy..muka sy teruk jerawat..sakit2..jerawat batu..bila dh preggy..alhamdulillah..kulit dh cantik...suami pun selalu tegur..dh cntik kulit muka skrg..dan sybpun xrisau lagi nk pakai ape2 cleanser..ape yg ada dlm toilet..bedal je..hihihi

Samaa.. Pembawakan budak diorg cakap.. Sebab hormon sis.. Saya sangat jarang pimples tapi masa mengandung ada jer dia singgah siap sampai belakang.. Muka pun kusam. Tapi lepas beranak, slowly back to normal.. After 3 month deliver, ipar pun komen muka nampak smooth balik.

Influencer của TAP

Yes, same goes to me sis 🙂 nothing to worry. Pregnancy can cause acne/pimples/scars due to an increase in androgen hormones. Sis can try safe acne treatments include sulfur-based washes, certain antibiotics, and azelaic acid (can refer doc) Best of luck sis 🙂✌🏻

Biasalh tu..pembawaan babby...sy ada 5 org ank, yg ni keenam, .. pregnant ank keempat naik topeng kehamilan yg teruk...bila bersalin pelan2 hilng... pregnant yg kelima, naik jerawat besar2 seluruh muka ..mmg ssh hati😅 lepas bersalin ok da...so don't worry 😄💪

I'm having the same situation as you are now dear. It's so hard to get rid of those pimples everytime when I'm stressed out & sleep less than 6 hours. That's normal in pregnancy because of the hormone imbalance. Your face will get back to normal after giving birth.

Influencer của TAP

I've faced the same problem too. It seems like my face more oily and not comfortable. What i did, wash my face regularly and apply mild peeling lotion from hada labo. It helps maintaining ur face moisture and reduce oil after regular wash. It dried pimples faster.