1 Replies

This is totally normal. You can get maternity support belt, use cushion or pillow when seating or resting and have your spouse to massage your back. It can be all the kicks and moving of your little one. As they are growing, they tend to face have space constrain. First pregnancy I had ribs pain and there's nothing that can be done despite multiple visit to the doctor.

If your pain is persistent you may visit doctor to get it check and cler your doubt. If this is your first baby, usually will be from 20 weeks onwards though some can feel the flutter, kicks,movement. However, you can figure the baby's pattern soon as you are used to it. Example when it sleeps, active, etc. I feel the pain from 2nd tri onwards this is due to me being petite and my baby's huge. So it constantly kick me or move and hurt my ribs.

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