No labour signs yet..

hello, im going to be 40 weeks next tuesday and no signs of labour until now... is it normal?

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Hi, yes it's normal! I didn't not have any signs too at 39 weeks 3 days.. And my gynea schedules for induced labour, I delivered at 39 weeks 5 days.

4y trước

My gynae didn't advice to wait as the body can no longer provide more nutrients for the baby. Something like even if delay, the baby will not grow. So might as well take it out lol.

Not sure how much extra I paid for induce.. But I suggest not to consider price for such case.. Most important is the health of you and baby..

4y trước

I don't have the bill already.. Suggest you check with your gynea.

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Normal.. i was induced on 40 weeks +1.. then had csec

4y trước

c sect because baby too big or?

i gave birth 40+1

4y trước

yes natural.. had bloody "show" accompanied with contractions after around 1am on +1 day