What kind of chores do you need help with after confinement lady leaves?
I'm getting myself mentally prepared for the kind of chores that I'll need help with when caring for baby alone. Apart from the usual household chores, I'm guessing it is laundry, cooking and cleaning up after baby... Anything else?

I live with my mil so the living hall and kitchen chores will be done by her during weekends (her off days). Vacuuming will be done when somebody is home to take over. My own chores includes (when baby sleeps): - Laundry for the three of us (one day to wash, one day to keep) - Washing of bottles and pump parts (every session) - Baby when she wakes up I usually don’t have time to eat or pee in the early months so you can probably prepare some easy snacks that you can eat while being near baby. I only had the Ergobaby carrier so she was too small for it. You can purchase a konny or JC carrier so you can carry baby around with your handsfree to do other stuffs. First two months is actually quite easy since baby sleeps most of the time. Third month onwards the awake time will be longer and you may need to start entertaining baby 😄
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