I'm a ftm, I can't find my husband involvement or excitement for my pregnancy. Like for example he will not auto touch my belly unless I ask him so, or wanting to speak to baby, instead he is more interested to touch my boobs. He also never ask on baby or how I feel. When I shared with him on the baby's clothing that I saw online but he like no feeling. I don't feel his involvement or excitement, and I feel quite sad about it.
I joined mummies chat group and saw the mummies are sharing their hubby are so excited, keep wanting to feel the baby through the belly etc.
Sometimes I will just joke with him that other husband is touch belly, u keep touching boobs, he will just joking reply touch from top to bottom ma. But I can feel the touching of belly is just for the sake of touching becos I say him.
How to make husband to have more involvement in my pregnancy?