MIL - why are they being so difficult

I’m a FTM to a healthy 4 months old baby boy. I just want to rant about my experience living with my MIL. From the start of my pregnancy, I can tell that she don’t care one bit. She never mentioned anything or asked anything about the baby. Eg how’s baby is doing? Is baby growing well etc NEVER. Once I was admitted to the hospital for abdominal pains during my pregnancy but got discharged the next day, i got back home and instead of asking how me and the baby were doing she said “aiya im also not feeling well.” Also another example at 37 weeks I was +covid and was admitted again for a week and not even once that she even called to asked how baby and i were doing. But here comes the most annoying part, once I gave birth, my husb and I brought our baby back home, she’s the one who so yaya papaya wants to carry the baby, wants to do this wants to do that. There’s so many hurtful things that happened to me during this 4 months but one of the most unforgettable moment was when she secretly clipped my baby’s fingernails till it bleed while i was at work and when I confronted her about it, she was so unhappy and didnt talk to me at all and only cooks for the rest of the family including my husband except for me. It’s not that i’m hard up about her cooking but I feel like this is unnecessary. I stood up for my baby who must be crying like hell the whole time shes trying to cut his fingernails and I wasnt around. If anything i should be the one offended because this is my baby! I gave birth to him and she should respect me as my baby’s mother. She always have this mindset that she’s the only want that can calm my baby and that she has taken care of her own kids so she knows better than i am. I dont care if she has 10 or 100 kids of her own but this is my son so everything will be done my way. Why do MIL always have to make things difficult

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