Foods to avoid during early pregnancy?

Hi I’m a FTM, just found out I’m a bout 5 weeks pregnant. I haven’t scheduled a doctors appointment but have been trying to be more conscious of foods I eat. But everytime I google something, even if it’s a fruit, there’s a lot of different answers and that causes anxiety. Is it true we should steer away from certain heaty or cooling foods? I have stopped drinking coffee or tea, and started taking my fish oils and multivits. #pregnancy #FTM

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First trimester take folic acid, no need fish oil yet.. second trimester then start fish oil :) I still drank tea during pregnancy, no side effects. Most importantly be happy, for a happy baby!

1mo trước

Thank you for letting me know! Ahh I see so many responses that tea is okay, but I’m finally seeing my Gynae next week so I’ll get clearance then hehe. Thank you again ?