Hey there. It's normal to be scared, planned or unplanned no one looks forward to pain or surgery recovery. The most useful thing I can tell you though, is that you are in good hands, your pregnancy is low risk and you will survive this. This is just another thing you have to get through in your long life ahead. You cannot avoid pain and suffering forever, the only thing you can control is your state of mind and not let anxiety be debilitating or hamper your future prospects. Think of all the cancer and accident patients out there, their bravery in the face of way worse odds. These were not planned, they just had to grit their teeth to get through treatment and recovery, and keep their eye on the prize at the end of the road. Get read up on the pros and cons of each delivery method, get counseling or employ a doula, and don't let your anxiety get in the way of your childbirth and relationship with your husband. Hang in there, you will survive this and be stronger for it.