How do you entertain yourself? (Unemployed)

I’m fortunate I’m currently not working, but getting increasingly bored at home. Wanted to get fresh air outdoors by walking, but has been raining daily. Any ideas how to kill time and self entertain without feeling like your rotting away? I’m only at week 5 :( #1stimemom

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For me since I am first time, I search alot of pregnancy and after birth knowledge, how to take care of baby, exercises needed, things to avoid, n online baby shopping! and by 2nd tri I search for baby names. i am really excited mum. when I am done i start with shows, housework, pack space for baby.😁

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4y trước

Wow you have it all figured out! Kudos ^^

Super Mom

Netflix, pick up a hobby for e.g. cooking, baking or anything that will keep you occupied.

4y trước

Thanks for sharing 😇

Get urself involve in a online business ?? 😆 I did that for my #1

4y trước

Great idea!! Thank you

Thành viên VIP

surf net to prepare for the pregnancy, watch shows

Maybe can pick up a new hobby? Like baking, crocheting…

4y trước

I’m considering cross stitching! Thank you 🙏🏽 for the advice

Watch shows, sleep, surf the net? Haha

4y trước


Do some craft? Cross stitch?

4y trước

Yeah cross stitching sounds good! Thanks!