Confinement without nanny

I'm a first time mum and delivering in June. For the past few months I thought I have made up my mind not to engage a nanny partly due to space and budget constraints. However, my family members start telling me recently that I should really engage one but for some reason I feel that we can manage without one. Here are some facts to share; do let me know your views! We live in a one bedroom apartment. Husband will be taking paternity leave. Husband has no problem with laundry and housework. Our mothers can drop by a few hours a day. We'll be ordering confinement meals. Based on the above, does it seem ok that we can go without a confinement lady?

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I had this dilemma, for a slightly different reason. My mum lives in Malaysia and I had to either get immigration approval to have her enter Singapore during covid times, or get a confinement nanny. thankfully she was approved to enter, so I did not need to get a nanny. I recommend your mum comes over to stay with you, maybe for a month. getting a confinement nanny has the added stress of getting used to another new person in your home. you will also be in pain, recovering from blood loss, sweating like mad and going through a lot hormonally. it will be a lot for your husband to take on.

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3y trước

your mum needs to be quarantined in designated shn facilities or u will request for her to shn at home? I'm asking coz i have same plan but only problem is my mum is on insulin and if she comes alone, she can't manage as usually in msia my dad does it for her