7 Replies

I'm a first time mom and tbh the first 3 months is the craziest. I don't deny that there's drift in me and my partner's rs but I guess it's really up to the both of you to see how the both of you can spice things up a little? Maybe get him to be more involved in taking care of your LO too. It's normal to feel emotional, I get that all the time during the first 3 months or so... but don't let it get to you too much or else you might just get pp depression. I don't really rmb how I managed to cope with all these madness but you'll manage it somehow or rather (at least that's for me). Don't think so much and relax a little, talk to your husband more.

Thanks dear. Yes I get so emotional and can cry over small things. Oh gosh! Agree, am getting him to be involved in LO’s diaper changing, feeding etc. But maybe he’s also feeling the challenge of being closer to LO? Unlike us mums who have already that bond with our LO since they’re in our womb.

Oh yes it’s really different and difficult the first year. You might no longer feel as emotionally connected with your husband now bcos all your focus is on the baby. But that’s completely normal . Once the little one grows older though pls remember to set aside some time for just the two of you.


Nothing remains the same after you give birth. Your body has gone through many changes and you will find lots of alien things you are not accustomed to warping your body. There are now three of you. No turning back. Definitely everything is new. You need time to adjust and work on a new routine.

Super Mum

I think we will all have to go through this since our focus is on the baby now plus no more private intimate moment when baby is in the middle! Talk to him as much as possible and once in a while, if you can get someone to take care of baby, take a day off to go on a date or do something fun together.

Thanks for the reassurance that I’m not alone in this.. :)

Dear mum, Having these experiences is obvious and there is nothing wrong with it. I think keeping positive outlook, talking to each other about small things and sorting out and really cherishing the small moments with your LO will make things better :)

Definitely! We’re both adapting to a whole new change of having a new life dependent on us...

Stay strong mummy! This all shall pass. It’s inevitable to feel this way because now baby is at the focus. But be sure to also spend some time with hubby, and show little acts of concern. That could make a difference. Cheering for you!

VIP Member

Hi... you might be suffering from post-partum depression. Read this article for more information https://sg.theasianparent.com/8-unexpected-symptoms-of-postpartum-depression

Thanks but I’m sure it isnt PPD..

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