4 Replies

VIP Member

After applying the steroid, it really does dry up but it is part of the healing process. Remember to apply moisturiser first, let it be absorbed then very thinly apply the steroid. Stop the steroid once the skin has healed but continue to apply moisturiser after every shower/wipe. My girl’s skin looked exactly like your lo’s when she had eczema flare up which we exacerbated by frequently wiping/washing her face without moisturising (we didn’t know what to do then 😅)

for steriod cream u need to apply very thin layer. best use cotton bud to use do a really thin layer. not sure if u did that? can give it a try if previously u were using lots of it.

Super Mum

Steroid will dry up the skin but is also an effective way of getting rid of the rash. Perhaps you’d want to apply a moisturizer after the steroid cream. QV kids is not bad.

Do continue using the moisturizer even after the rash is gone to prevent it from coming back. 👍

Have u tried suu balm? Or lush?

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