it really depends on individual body's response to the pill they will insert. every 3 hours they will check how much u dilate before inserting another pill. some dilate fast, some dilate slow before labour. i was still able to walk after the 1st pill as the contractions were bearable. after the 2nd pill, the pain was beyond what i expect. and i had to wait all the way till 4th pill. the point is, dont panic and just go with the flow. if u can walk around, better to walk around. if u are dilated enough for epidural, take it! cos u wont know how long more before u are fully dilated for labour. have faith and good luck!
Hey, Please relax and let it flow. Do not worry at all and all will be fine. You are almost there and soon you will have bundle of joy in your hands :)
Sulasteri Bte Mohd Sani