5 Replies

Hi, After six months babies can be introduced to solids without any inhibition. I think, you can feed her all kinds of food that are light on stomach. Just make sure that the foods that you feed her are, nicely mashed so that the baby can swallow it easily. You can feed her mashed banana, potato, minced chicken, soups, curd, nicely cooked and mashed rice, all pulses that are easy to digest, porridge, mashed vegetables. Actually you can give all food that you yourself have at home provided that it is easy on stomach and nicely mashed. Here's a very informative link that will guide you how to go about the baby's diet and how much you should feed her. Hope it will help. http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/solidfood6to8montholdbaby.htm

Some recommendation suggest 9 months then 3 meals a day so I think now u can work towards 2 meals and increase to 3 meals by then. I usually give 1-2 meals because baby eats a lot and need to maintain 500-600 ml Of milk 8 am milk 12 lunch 4/5pm milk 7pm dinner/snack(biscuit)/milk 9/10 milk to KO He usually drinks 1-3 times after he sleeps. My boy is also 7momths and I am still giving cereal, fruits or veg purée. Depending on volume, I may give 2 things at a time. Like potato and broccoli purée etc. I always add fm to his meals to adjust to the wetness it needs and caz sometimes he just don't drink enough (teething too)

Cerelac - for bf or when i need a small volume to mix with his veg purees Hipp cereals - many different flavors too- this will be on its own

VIP Member

Hi there. For solid wise, i would try for 2-3 solids a day In between meal time you can give baby some snacks to fill their tummy. Below would be my schedule for my LO when he was 7mo old 8am - Oatmeal with apple puree 9.30am - Finger snack (Chopped fruits ) 11am - Lunch (Porridge or mashed macaroni) 12.30pm - MILK 1PM - Nap 3pm - Milk 4pm - Finger snacks 6pm - Dinner Then a bottle of milk before bedtime. I hope it helps!

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For my boy currently 8 mth 6am- 120ml of milk 10am- 120ml of milk 1230pm - lunch (noodles or pasta) 4pm - 120ml milk 7pm - dinner (usually cereal with veg n fruits puree) 9pm - 210ml of milk 9-6am - zzzzzzzzz

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