Is it Normal?

Hi, I'm currently pregnant at week 6 3 days. Is it normal to feel sharp pains on uterus? It's on and off.

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I think should be implantation cramp it happens when the newly fertilized egg burrows itself into the wall of your uterus. Please see gynaecologist to clarify your doubt.

Yes its normal. And cramping too. As long as the pain is bearable shouldnt be a problem. If ure concern cn consult yr gynae

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Yes because your uterus is growing but please do feedback to your gynae to watch out any potential risk

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I have never experienced it for both pregnancies. So it would be better to check with ur gynae soon.

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not for me. pls check with doctor/gynae immediately. check baby is ok anot.

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Yes it is normal. I have that feeling too when my baby is at 6weeks.

I'm only due to see my gynae next month. Anything else I can do?

5y trước

I drink warm water & eat non spicy food. It helps with my case though.. cos im mostly bloated.. alot of gas.. you can try.. but if its rly painful for u, pls ring up ur gynae.. =)

I had that too.. its gets more or less better after week 12

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Hi... it’s not normal. Please consult your gynecologist

I experienced the same and my gynae said this is normal.