Preggy and working in Gov hospital
I'm currently in 2nd tri and working in gov hospital.. We are still receiving patients with travel history and I am scared but my management hasn't say anything about pregnancy precaution. What should I do?
Protect yourself by wearing mask. Try to ask your superior for a change in job scope where you don’t have to be at the frontline (if possible). I was actually activated for temperature screening at my workplace but I told them that I am currently in third tri and did not want to participate. Luckily they were understanding and exempted me.
Read moreAs frontliners we cannot avoid dealing wif such patients. Take extra precaution wear mask,hand washing and if the need arises inform ur boss. Remember ur lil one is very important.
Wear a mask! And if possible, try not to touch those patients. Not sure what’s your role.
The usual precautions. Wear masks , hand hygiene, avoid high risk isolation areas
practice good personal hygiene and wear mask