some bleeding

im currently 8weeks pregnant but ive been havin i dont wether to call it bleedin or spotting for the past 2 days. i dont have it when i had my first child. i just wanna ask is it normal? can i go to the polyclinic to have further check?

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Thành viên VIP

Hi... spotting during early pregnancy is quite common. However if the bleeding increases, please consult your gynecologist. You might also find this article informative

Thành viên VIP

I had spotting in tri 1 too and was diagnosed with threatened miscarriage. Had to take progesterone pills to stabilise the pregnancy. Pls see your gynae directly.

6y trước

thank u for the advice.

Super Mom

Go and see gynae immediately

Go kkh 24hrs O&G to chk

Pls go and see gynae

See gynae

seek gynae advise