Non stop kicks & movements

Im currently 6 months preggy and realised past few days, at times, baby’s kicks and movements has been non stop for few or atleast 5 mins. Like literally nonstop aggresive movements and kicks. Altho i love the movements, part of me starts to overthink if baby is ok like is baby struggling inside or something or if the umbilical code is tangled around the neck etc 😅 Is it normal ? #firsttimemom

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33 weeks pregnant now and I have the same worries. I read a few articles that state fetal movements should decrease around 30 weeks due to lack of space but my baby has always been active throughout the day that I don’t bother doing kick counts 😂 I think the general rule of thumb is go to the doctor if there’s an abnormal pattern i.e active baby noticeably becomes inactive or inactive baby becomes noticeably active. I was recording my tummy movements to show my husband and was surprised when I realised it was exceeding the 5 mins mark but it’s a normal feeling to me so I try not to stress over it. (:

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