Im currently 16 weeks. Is it ok to do liposuction? Arms or thigh area?

During pregnancy, liposuction is not considered safe. The first health concern comes from the use of general anesthesia. General anesthesia can cause reduced blood flow to the fetus and neonatal depression. Women who undergo treatments using general anesthesia during pregnancy have an increased chance of death due to difficulty maintaining a sufficient airway. Aside from the medical risks of general anesthesia, other concerns regard the fact that liposuction involves getting rid of fatty deposits which are needed during and after pregnancy. During pregnancy, fatty deposits are used for energy during the final weeks of gestation when pregnant women are unable to consume sufficient calories to maintain healthy fetal growth. After birth, fatty deposits can also be used for additional energy for the production of breast milk. Typically the female body will store additional fat only during pregnancy. After birth, the metabolism will return to normal and fat stores will slowly diminish.
Read moreNo it is not safe. Liposuction is a major invasion to your body not to mention the medication to be injected to you will not be good for the baby.
no, cos of the medication they gonna use and will be General Analgesia.
Not safe.. could cause allergic reactions in fetus!
If possible wait after pregnancy, then y not?
Noooooo please don't
Not recommended
Of course not!
Definitely no
Of cozz nt