Nauseous 24/7
I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant and vomiting is getting worse each week. I can barely eat and if i do drink half a glass of juice for brunch, it will all come out instantly. I'm having trouble to take folic acid in the morning because of this and I'm clueless as to what else would work for me at this stage. I feel like my tummy is shouting for food but whatever goes into my mouth comes out within 5 minutes. Anyone can help? ??

I was also having nauseas/ morning sickness throughout my first trimester. Whatever I ate ot drink came out immediately. I only could suck on ice cubes and sometimes juices. Try to eat atleast 1 or 2 mouthful. If it gets worse can ask gynae to prescribe you some medication. But I didnt take because I tried once & was feeling giddy the whole day. Hopefully it will get better after 1st trimester, mine did.
Read moreThe only thing I could eat was bread - I would eat 6-7 slices of bread at one shot and have no issues. For everything else I would vomit non stop. I suggest you find out what’s the 1-2 dishes you can eat. Chances are it will be something bland like boiled pasta, plain rice or plain toast
Thanks a lot hun. That is very helpful. I will start off with plain bread. I have been watching videos of ppl eating like crazy and sobbing on my own afterwards. Really appreciate yr response. God bless you & family XX
Normal. I had nausea through my pregnancy. Only get better during my last trim. I couldnt eat properly and even have problem traveling to work... there’s nth u can do... but jus try to make urself feel well. Like resting. Keep urself hydrated...
11 work revolves around teeth, saliva n blood...i seriously can't take it when someone comes in with plaques all around the gum or when they rinse their mouth with great force...oh gosh...makes me more nauseous n i hate my work to the max now =(
i ate bland things like bread and biscuit
Did u manage to keep them in yr system long enough till they get digested?
Excited to become a mum