7 Replies

I ate samyang noodle (full sauce) during first trimester (bb now 20weeks) cos i was craving for spicy food! I even ate the most spicy jinjja chicken ? I ate spicy like once every two weeks? Craving for spicy stop at second trimester. Its all depends on individual body. If you’re used to eating spicy, it should be okay.

Wow!? But since I slowed down on taking spicy food, I don't know how will it go if I were to start on spicy food again.. Hahaha! But I will try! Thanks for the advice! Take care! ?

I had it during my first trimester too! Full sauce as well ? I guess just take everything in moderation! Totally agree on the happy mummy happy baby! Enjoy

The main concerns here are the fried noodles and MSG. But I think once in a while should be fine…

Noted! Thanks for the advice! ??

once in a while is fine, but careful of the heartburn that comes after. take care!

Noted! Thanks for the advice and you too take care! ??

eat in moderation, but go eat!! happy mummy happy baby

True that Hahaha!! Thanks for the advice!! ??

can why not but not too much. sodium levels very high

Noted! Thank you for the advice! ??

Go and enjoy!

Alrighty! ??

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