8 Replies
It is normal; it will grow bigger and bigger with each passing days... I am almost in my 38weeks... as I thought my tummy can’t get any bigger... it does... Hang on mama... I know it is not easy... but growing tummy indicated that our babies are growing healthily and steadily in the safety of our tummy. That is most important👍🏻 Do apply oil/cream to ease the stretch (I use Bio Oil). Take good care and be positive, may God bless you and baby🙏🏻
I feel like the tightness gets a bit painful too! but it's only for like 10 to 15 mins and then goes away. I use a support belt when I'm at home to help ease the weight and it works! usually feel this at night compared to in the day.
same here! 31 weeks 2 days today... cant stand or walk for so long... my legs will start to numb if I do so. my bump is really heavy now, I can only imagind how heavy it will be in the next weeks 😂
Try to get the pregnancy support belt? http://www.mothercare.com.sg/maternity-support-belt-black-1.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI07TK8cia4wIVlTUrCh3SZQ8GEAQYASABEgI8gfD_BwE
Me! I'm at 31 weeks. My bump is getting heavier and harder.
Its normal.. Same goes to ke.. Stay strong💪