shld i be a sahm?

im so so burnt out at work that i do not have the time for my child. im a teacher and have been going to sch for duties every sat and just ended a stay overnight camp. i hate work. and my boss keep dangling carrots over promotion and work just keep pilng. to the extent i really hate work. i really want to spend more time with lo and i feel guilty for not spending more time. this thought has been swirling in my mind but i have no courage to step down from work. im feeling tired and lost.

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I was in your shoes 3 years ago. The pay was good but the boss was s***. No time to get married, no time to have kids. You have to decide when enough is enough and walk away from all this. I have no regrets quitting my job although I did tell my hubby that perhaps in the future if I hear my boss is gone, I might decide to go back there to work. Being a sahm means loss of income from one source. But if you and hubby work out your finances and feel that it's ok then that's fine.

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