Cervix Check
Hi, as I’m approaching full term soon and I’m worried about the cervix check as I’ve heard it’s painful and uncomfortable. Is it necessary for cervix check and does all gynae does it? Anyone went to labour without cervix check? Please advise. Ty! #1stimemom #advicepls

During my checks up till my 39 weeks, my gynae do not do a cervix check. It was only until my 39 weeks that my ctg does not show much contraction then my gynae suggested to do on my edd n to induce if i haven deliver. Twos days before my edd, i went hosp and was alr dilated 4cm. Then on the gynae will come time to time to check for dilation. Even nurses also got check. Have to relax else very hard for them check..
Read moreIt is necessary to do the cervix check to know how far you've dilated. No way to know unless gynae does it, even when you're in labour gynae will keep checking your cervix. Yes, it's uncomfortable but not too painful. Contractions is far more painful than that. What I usually did is grab hold of the side of the bed very tight but don't forget to breathe in. It's just for a minute or two process.
Read moreOmg! It was painful for me when my gynae checked my cervix! It was my first time so I didn’t know what to expect hahaha. Had my second cervix check when I was in labour, by then, I already had my epi so it was a breeze 😆
Cervix check is necessary to tell how dilated u are. Wasn't painful for me at all, u just have to relax otherwise it'll hurt
Cervix check is necessary to check how much you have dilated, not really painful but uncomfortable
Not painful just slightly uncomfortable. Don’t worry!