2 Replies

Are you a FTM? I am a FTM. Everything is new and unsure, and when I get worried when I try to read up online. I think I start to feel more obvious fetal movements in my week 20 . It was a big relief yesterday when I went for my prenatal check up. Everything was ok. The sonographer said it’s normal as the fetus is still small, by week 20ish the movement should feel more obvious. Before (wk 16-wk 20), I just wasn’t sure if it was my baby moving or my intestines or stomach 😂 I was also constantly worried when i didn’t feel much then I would use fetal Doppler to check (lol I don’t even know if I get the heartbeat correctly). If you are feeling ok, I think can wait for your appointment 🤗🤗🤗

Perhaps you should just wait till next check up and ultrasound. Sometimes baby can be sleeping and less active. Dont worry much as long as there's kick or movement everyday.

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