
I'm afraid of dealing with the labour pains. When i watch video of vloggers vlogging their labour and they are crying during the contractions, it makes me think that i'm not strong enough to go through it. I don't know if i'm ready for the actual day. I'm anxious and i'm terrified of what to expect.

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You can always take epidural, my Friend! It definitely helps with the pain! So try not to be so nervous k! Jiayou! ❤️

Try not to watch those videos as it will affect you mentally. Just research on the pain relief options available.

Thành viên VIP

I always tell my friends and colleagues that of I can do it so can they! Ask for epidural you'll be fine(:

Im afraid too. But everything will fall into places..💪jia you!

I'm worst. I'm dun even dare to watch. Lol

Epidural is the best

Just relax

Super Mom
