8 Các câu trả lời
Hi.. Pernah ada pengalaman tentang misscarriage. Scan dalam 5wks ++, nampak kantung tapi kantung tak bulat cantik, macam berkedut2. Doktor advise kemungkinan baby tak jadi dan risiko keguguran sangat tinggi. Dlm 7 wks, mmg ada gugur. Satu lagi kemungkinan, mungkin kandungan luar rahim. Atau doktor tu tak pandai cari kantung baby huhuhu.. Agreed with others suggestion, go to second opinion and checking.
already scanned at a private clinic ,saw baby . 2cm for 8 weeks . thanks mommies out there for youand advice ,stay blessed . luv luv yaa
sis.... please refer other doctor or clinic for 2nd opinion
worrying ,I should go clinic as soon as possible .
Yes better go. Try scan ikut bawah. Sbb sy scan perut tak nampak. Scan bawah nampak janin but i miscarriage since bleeding 5days. Hopefully yr baby is fine ☺️ stay positive sis.
Please consult another doc Dear
keep strong and positive sis..
Thineges Tammy