First time mum.

Hi, Im 6weeks pregnant. Is it normal if i dont have morning sickness or didnt even vomit? just curious.

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i thought i was one of the lucky ones too but the morning sickness kicks in at late week 8 and lasted me all the way to nearly week 18! so just enjoy the moment babe!

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it varies from person to person. week 7 to 10 was insane i had more ms. maybe you wont experience it... soon or as bad as mine. it depends..

Is very normal. I don't have morning sickness and I don't vomit through out my whole first pregnancy. Just feel very happy about it! 👍

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It’s early so May be in few more weeks it will start .. but some people never face it also so lucky of them

hi,its normal for my 1st pregnancy & i have given birth a to a healthy boy & he is turning 5 this year 😊

I did not have morning sickness as well previously! I vomit twice after food (suspect too full lol)

Mine started around after week 6 when I thought I didn’t have any symptoms too.. 😅

Some are very lucky . No morning sickness at all. But mine start around 8 -9 weeks .

my first pregnancy no symtoms at all...2nd pregnancy started ard 8 weeks.

Hi, Yes this is normal as every pregnancy symptoms are very different