
Hi, I’m 4months and 1 week pregnant now and I’m having discharge quite a lot and it’s yellow in color. Had consulted with my gynecologist and he gave me antibiotic for 1 week. Is this kind of discharge is normal during pregnancy?

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i had this. here's my tip on controlling it. try not wearing anything if possible.like me,since im not working,im 24/7 naked 🤣. even i use baju but i dont wear pants or panties. then wash with warm running water.having water heater at home helps.. wash at the lips of the v and the v opening.if u want wash inside also can but i dont practice it cz belly too big and i just main rasa2 saja 🤣.so wash the outside part .wash every useof toilet.dont use soap. wipe dry. it will become worst or more discharge if ur v area is damp,moist and warm. so like i say,try going comando down there. and try eating greek yogurt. not only it benefits u and ur baby but it helps keep ur v from infection. u can ask pak google abt this. i find that washing with cold water or using a baldi or running cold water dont help as much as warm water. and pls dont use panty liners. its only going to make it worst cz u are introducing moist and restrict airflow. but if u are workimg and have no choice then go ahead, i know the discharge can be pretty annoying. also,trim or shave ur pubic hair. wax is better if u can. i control mine that way..so far i have less dicharge.i only have it when im wearing pants or panties. also,if u wear panties,soak them in hot water to kill the bacteria then scrub and hand wash.

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i have it too before. the treatment depends the type of infection that u have. my o&g gave me insert cream but it never really go away until i delivered my bby. quite challenging coz i will have to bring few pnties around daily. if i wear panty liners, will need to change it every hour. sometime if i forget to change it, it will get worst.

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make sure cuci bersih bersih , macam saya masa pregnant discharge tu tak keluar turun ke panties sebab dia macam tak cair so setiap kali solat saya meruang lah , bersihkan area dalam dalam tu nak avoid jangkitan dan sebagai nya

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It’s normal dear since you are changing alot of hormones. Just finished your antibiotics, eat them on time. Besides, do not take a lot of sweet and sugar in food. That can lead to alot of vaginal discharge. Drink plenty of water. 😘

5y trước

Thanks for your feedback dear. Appreciate it a lot 🙏🏻

Take less sugar.. Always change panties, after wash private part make sure dry before wear panties, drink a lot of water..

Hi there, yes it is normal to have discharge a lot during pregnancy, finish ur antibiotics ok

5y trước

Ok sure. Thanks for your feedback... 😁

Wash with salty warm water n try to be free down there... It helps
