13 Replies

I took a test, 5 days after my missed period and it was negative and then a month later no period, took another and it was positive. The whole time my boobs were sore and I was moody..listen to your body or get a blodd test

Have you been stressed? Has there been a change in diet? Or have you been sick and taken some special medication? Those are usually the reasons why I miss my periods (especially the stress) and it's not pregnancy related.

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If you have been trying for a baby, just wait a bit longer for the pregnancy test to show a positive. Maybe if you are preggies the Hcg level is not that high to be detected yet. Wait and try again after sometime

I think if your period is late and test isn't positive you wouldn't be pregnant. Could always do a blood test but if HCG isnt high that's not a good sign for a viable pregnancy.

Try to test after a week from the date your period is due. I tried testing early, negative, and a week after it showed positive

Could be a late period. My would change sometimes

My sisters didn't show until she was 13 weeks pregnant

Gosh you any sister is so lucky I started being sick at 6 weeks an stayed sick until 15 weeks

I want to get pregnant as soon as possible

Super Mum

Stress could be the cause of it.

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